Sunday, August 7, 2011


I'm up over at Pablo D'Stair's place with a confession in his series, Why'd You Go And Do That? After my confession and questions from Pablo about my writing, we turn the tables. 

Be sure to check out the confessions with other writers as well. I particularly like Pablo's confession to Caleb Ross about how he stole thirty bucks from his mom when he was three years old. In his interview responses, he cuts to the core of what crime writing is all about. Take this bit: 

It’s the fundamental thing with crime, with being criminal (in my experience and lay observation)—when it boils down to it, everyone will confess because it will become unbearable to not be known for what you truly are, to know that no one knows you, you’re adrift, you’re a story you obsesses over that no one else cares about.

Sharp stuff.

The third novella in Pablo's Trevor English series, Helen Topaz, Henry Dollar, is now available for free from Smashwords. The first two are also available for free. Trust me, these are worth reading. D'Stair is one of the finest stylists in crime writing and has created a vivid, realistic character in Trevor English.

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